Organized in Lexington, Holmes County, March 17, 1862. Mustered into Confederate service May 12 at Jackson.
The following is from: "Unveiling Ceremonies of Holmes County's Confederate Monument at Lexington, Mississippi December 1, 1908". Page 38 and 39 gives a list of Company A, and the following text.
"This Company was mustered into Confederate service March 15, 1862. Its principal battles were Iuka, Corinth, Vicksburg Siege, and Harrisburg, Miss. Was attached to Martin's Brigade at Iuka and Corinth, Hebert's Brigade at Vicksburg, and Mabry's at Harrisburg. The regiment carried into the fight at Harrisburg 279, rank and file, and only 44 escape being killed or wounded. every field and line officer was killed or wounded except Captain Green. From best information obtainable this Regiment had the largest per cent of loss in a single battle of any in the Confederate Army."
"Captain Keirn became Lieutenant Colonel of the Regiment, but was so severely wounded, never returned to duty. J. S. Hoskins became Captain and commanded until surrendered near Gainesville, Ala., in May, 1865. Lieutenant S. D. Gwin commanded a detachment of this Company in battle of Chickamauga, sustaining heavy loss."
We of the 38th would like to thank Mr. Ramon Tate for supplying us with the above information. It is thanks to folks like Mr. Tate that make this web sight possible so that we may all honor our Confederate ancestors who gave their all for their land, country, and the right of Self Government.
Ables, William -- Paroled at Vicksburg - AWOL 8/63 to 11/63
Aldridge, James M.-- corp -- KIA Harrisburg 7/14/64
Aldridge, Tom J. -- Died 11/63
Alexander, L. F. -- Transferred 2/1/63
Armstrong, Robert -- Paroled at Vicksburg - also reported as AWOL at Vicksburg
Austin, Robert L. -- Died of wounds at Vicksburg
Bailey, John William - Sgt. -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Baughn, Peyton C. -- POW Jackson 7/63
Birge, John
Birkhead, J. C. -- Discharged 6/26/62
Bohannan, William A. -- Died 1862
Bonke, J. R. -- POW Iuka or Corinth
Boyett (Boyette), William H. - Died 1862
Brown, Marvin D. -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Buckley, W. H.
Burge, Thomas B. -- Killed at Vicksburg 5/31/63
Camp. Benjamin D.
Carnathan, Isaac N. (Newton) -- Paroled at Vicksburg - Wounded at Harrisburg 7/14/64
Causey, J. W. -- Discharged 6/26/62
Clark, James Marion
Clower, Green B. -- Died 6/29/62
Coleman, James C. - Sgt. -- Paroled at Vicksburg - detached service 1/15/64
Converse, James B. -- Discharged 6/26/62
Cook, Samuel -- Paroled at Vicksburg - also listed as AWOL 8/23/63
Cotton, John Bartlett -- POW Abbeville 12/62
Cotton, William Prince -- Wounded at Corinth 5/28/62
Cross, W (William). F. (T.) -- Sgt., Assistant Quartermaster -- Paroled at Vicksburg.
Davis, Perry - Died 1/21/63
Dew, Thomas B. -- Paroled at Vicksburg - POW Abberville 12/62
Dew, William G. -- Wounded at Corinth, AWOL 5/17/63
Dodd, John
Dodd, William S. -- Paroled at Vicksburg - also listed as AWOL 8/23/63
Durden, Henry Vick -Sgt -- AWOL 8/23/63
Durden, William W. -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Durham, Archi (Archibald) M. -- Paroled at Vicksburg - detached service 5/1/64
Edwards, J. (James) S. (Sharp)
Edwards, James V. -- Detached service 5/1/64
Edwards, Nicholas E. -- Sent to hospital 7/2/63
Ellis, Asa C. -- Discharged 6/26/62
Ellis, Ed S. -- Wounded at Corinth 5/28/62
Eubanks, Joel Henry -- Detached service 5/1/64
Eubanks, C. T. -- Detached service 5/1/64
Eubanks, J. (Joe) L. -- Died 6/25/62
Eubanks, Phillip J. -- Wounded Chickamauga 9/19/63
Farr, James E. - Cpl. -- Paroled at Vicksburg - wounded at Corinth 10/62
Farr, E. R. (could be James Farr above)
Foose, D (Daniel). C. -- Detached service 5/1/64
Gantt, John W.
Glenn, E. W.
Grantham, Otho
Grantham, R. A. -- Discharged 5/23/62
Grantham, Rufus -- AWOL 8/23/63
Gwin, C (Cornelius V. --
Gwin, J. (John) E. -- Wounded near Benton Mississippi 5/7/64
Hale, Allen M. -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Hale, William
Hester, Archibald -- Detached service 1/25/64
Herron, ? ? ?
Henderson, S. W. A. -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Hignight, Charles R.
Horton, George P. -- Died 1/6/63
Hoskins (Haskins), T. Erastus - See the list for Command Staff. Haskins is also listed as a Captain for an unknown company, and paroled at Vicksburg as Captain.
Jackson, J. E. -- Died 6/26/62
Jackson, W. (William) P.
Jenkins, W. Allen -- POW Holmes County
Johnson, Charles -- POW 12/2/62
Jones, Joseph F. R.(?) -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Jones, Selden -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Jones, William P. -- Died at Cloumbus 7/25/62
Kemp, C. (Charles) T.
Kemp, Edward G. - 1st Sgt. -- Paroled at Vicksburg - POW Holmes County 1/2/65
Lansdale, J (John). S. -- POW Corinth, wounded at Harrisburg.
Lawrence, John -- Deserted 10/3/62
Lehr, H. D.
Lehr, J. T. -- wounded at Harrisburg 7/14/64
Lehr, N. D.
Lehr, Pinkey R. -- Paroled at Vicksburg -- listed as AWOL after Vicksburg.
Lehr, Ulysses D. -- Paroled at Vicksburg - AWOL, POW Holmes Co. 1/2/65
Lehr, William M. -- POW Holmes County 1/2/65
Levy, Issac -- Cpl
Long, A.
Long, William -- wounded at Corinth.
Mack, Peter -- POW at Corinth 10/3/62.
Marks, Issac -- Paroled at Vicksburg AWOL after Vicksburg.
Mathews, Jesse
McBride, C. E.
McBride, G. J. -- POW at Jackson 7/14/63
McClay, Richard
McKinney, Henry C. -- Wounded at Chickamauga 9/63
McLean, J. (James) N. (Nicholas) Jr. -- Sgt Maj. - Wounded and taken prisoner at Corinth 10/62
McLean, T. (Thomas) S. -- Wounded at Harrisburg 7/14/64
McLean, William L.
McLellan, George Dallas -- Wounded at Harrisburg 7/14/64
McLellan, John T. -- Killed at Vicksburg 5/31/63
McLellan, Tobias Emanuel
McNeer, John Lewis
McNier, A. H.
Mehan, John -- Paroled at Vicksburg, also listed as a deserter on 10/15/62
Montgomery, William P. -- Killed at Corinth 10/4/62
Morris, Benjamin F. -- Killed at Vicksburg 5/31/63
Morris, William W. -- Discharged on 7/22/62
Morton, George W. -- Killed at Vicksburg 5/31/63
Muirhead, J. C. -- Discharged on 5/14/62
Muirhead, James M.
Muirhead, William C. D. -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Nabors, A.
Nabors, B. M. -- Died 6/4/62
Nelson, W. H. C.
Nevel, Frank P.
Odom, George W. -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Owen, John -- Sgt. -- POW Corinth
Owen, S. F. -- Discharged 7/22/62
Patterson, W. M. -- Died 1862
Pendleton, James (Joseph) Wells -- Paroled at Vicksburg. Transferred from Company C (??)
Pitchford, L. -- Discharged 5/14/62
Randall, James -- Paroled at Vicksburg - Died in hospital at Point Clear Ala., 7/29/63
Reeves, Abner -- POW Carroll County 1/2/65
Reynolds, Henry A. -- Paroled at Vicksburg - Wounded at Vicksburg - POW at Iuka
Richardson, O. Clay
Sargent, John M. -- Cpl. - Discharged 1/12/63
Sawyers, Cullen -- POW Jackson 7/17/63, died in prison.
Schield, Abraham
Schmidt, Jacob -- Discharged 7/24/62
Sheppard, John -- Died at Okolona 8/24/62
Shipp, Richard
Smith, Thomas White -- Cpl.
Sorrells, Ferdinand Lafayette -- Wounded at Corinth 10/62
Spivey, W. D.
Stigall, Richard -- Wounded at Jackson 1863
Stigler, John Hamilton
Swinney, John W. -- Discharged ??
Tate, Uriah - Pvt. Uriah Tate is the Great Great Grandfather of Ramon Calvin Tate, Jr.
Tate, Enoch
Tate, Uriah -- Discharged 5/14/62
Taylor, Joseph E. -- Wounded Corinth, wounded at Chickamauga
Taylor, Wallace W.
Tolar, J. A. -- Killed at Corinth 10/3/62
Wade, H. (Henderson) S. -- POW Corinth
Weaver, William -- Wounded at Corinth, wounded at Harrisburg
Weldon, Bennett M.
Well, R. M. -- Died 6/3/62
Whittington, Thomas J. -- Died 6/23/62
Wigley, Warren -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Wilkins, Solomon
Wilson, Edward A. - Sgt. -- Paroled at Vicksburg
Willis, George B. -- Cpl.
Wilson, Edward Alvah -- Sgt. -- AWOL after Vicksburg
Woodall, Richard --
Died 1862